Welcome to your personal page
This is where you can access everything related to your booking.
I will send over a contract over in the next coming days regarding your day and the coverage. An invoice will follow once the contract is signed by the both of you. Payments can either be made by cash, credit card, or check made out to Allan Cordon. Payments can be made anytime from the signing of the contract to a month before the wedding.
Here is your contract: Signed Contract Copy
Invoice: Paid
Contracts & Payment
Your final images will be uploaded to an online gallery where you, family, and friends can see your images. The gallery will allow you to view, share, download, and even buy products like prints or canvases! The online galleries stay on for 2 years after that I take them down. But I will always have a copy of them if needed. The gallery is pretty straightforward and easy to use! If you two need any help with the gallery please feel free to let me know.
Photo Gallery
Your Galleires
f there is anything that you need me to change to the booking. Please let me know what you need changed or if there is anything about the booking that I might not know. Please email me at
Changes // Comments
Wedding Video
Your video is currently being finished up